Accu Blog 007 ACUPUNCTURE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY Distribution of Qui leads, functioning of the body


Distribution of Qui leads, functioning of the body

                As in the case of English Medicine or modern anatomy, where the dead body is scored for the benefit of finding the whereabouts of organs in the body. Acupuncture tries to understand through Qui force present in the body which can be seen in live body; henceforth it is good to understand the anatomy of the body in its state of life.

                Anatomy through acupuncture is the highest order of understanding which none of the other medicines talk about.


                Acupuncture gives an idea of explaining three principles of nature:

    1.        Qui force and its channels.
    2.        Internal organs and its activity cycles.
    3.        Relationship between atmosphere and an individual.

So those bodies which have life will survive in its form, and body is guided by Life force.  This life force been called as Qui force in acupuncture.

The existence of Qui force can be depicted in two forms:

1.       Congenital Qui (கரு உயிர் சக்தி)

2.       Acquired Qui (புற உயிர் சக்தி)

Congenital Qui: (கரு உயிர் சக்தி)

                We in out birth resemble either our parents or our ancestors, but inclusively we also constitute to resemble our ancestors even in our habits and in many traits. Reason for this is because of the distributed Qui from our parents responsible for the traits resemblance.  This Qui begins with our birth, young age, youth and attains old age.  This Qui also responsible for the does and don’t s that happen in ones life.  This also stays as the reason in spanning the life of an individual. 

Acquired Qui: (புற உயிர் சக்தி)

1.       Qui due to inhalation of air in Lung activities.

2.       Qui due to the food we intake for our lively hood.

3.    Qui due to the skin with the interaction of electromagnetic force which is surrounded in the atmosphere.


Both Congenital Qui and Acquired Qui demonstrate the life of an individual in this earth.  The Congenital Qui takes the help of Acquired Qui in its day to day activities to do three listed works.

They are:

1.       To enhance the process of digestion.

2.       To enhance the process of ingestion, assimilation and egestion in body.

3.       To enhance the process of working using mind and memory.

In case of sickness in the body, congenital Qui converts Acquired Qui as antibodies that can defend the body against its intruders.  In due case the organs which can defend the body will acquire its share of Qui responsible for day to day activities, but remaining Qui will be converted to defend antibodies with the responsible behaviour of congenital Qui converting its acquired Qui.

During sickness,

Hunger doesn’t persist:   it is because during the course of fighting against antibodies, Acquired Qui is fed with correct proportion, and remaining settles as defenders. Hence hunger does not persist.

Avoidable physical activities: Life force will be converted into Qui responsible for defenders of antibodies. Hence strong physical activities will be avoided.

It is found that, only after defending the antibodies the Qui responsible for the activities gets relieved to other regular activities in the functioning of the body.

Functioning of the body with reference to Qui:

Acquired Qui gets generated with the food we intake.  So the Congenital Qui present inside the body gets the digested source of energy and tries to secrete the chemical form of energy. This in turns transports the energy through blood.  Here blood is also a chemical form of energy secretion in the body.   Henceforth Energy gets converted into chemical form of energy.

Blood generates cells and cells prepare tissues, and tissues in turn forms organs and organs finally arrives with organ system in the body, which completes the body of an individual.


Depiction of Changes that occur in the functioning of the body:


Qui (Energy) Chemical Cell tissue organs organ system body


This also depicts the nature of those responsible elements which are unseen creates the big size structure, and there is the generation of Yin-Yang in the body.  Yin functions inside the Yang, showing the nature of opposite and oppositions lead to the formation of beautiful structure called human body.

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